What gives cola it's distinct flavour?

3 min read

Cola - a brief history

In a simpler time before pesky things like 'regulations' and 'pharmaceutical drug testing' pharmacist John Stith Pemberton whipped up a sweet, brown carbonated drink and shopped the concoction around to pharmacies - selling it as a health tonic promising to 'cure nervous afflictions'. One pharmacy, not quite sold on the health benefits of drinking your daily requirement of sugar in one sitting through a murky undisclosed bubbly beverage, decided that although the health benefits were questionable, it did fact taste good enough to sell as a refreshment in their local store. After getting the entire shire hooked on the brown stuff, they realised that this beverage had huge potential and went onto brand their creation and push distribution into the wider Atlanta area. And as they say, the rest, is history.

What is cola?

While cola brands guard their own secret formula's with their lives, using generic terms such as 'artificial and natural flavours', cola generally, is a carbonated beverage which consists of these key ingredients; kola nut, citrus oils, vanilla and cinnamon. Anything beyond these core flavourings are up to imagination, to create signature brews, in an attempt to win cola loyalist hearts.


What is cola flavoured with?

If you stick to the fundamental ingredients mentioned above - the rest is really up to your imagination as to what comes next. Over the years, we have witnessed the categories evolution into many weird and wonderful brews to keep punters chugging their way to cola salivation.

More premium versions - such as StrangeLove's Smoked Cola - bring to the table a more refined and considered drink. This unique take on the traditional recipe comes with a focus on sugar reduction (without resorting to the addition of cloying natural or artificial sweeteners) at only 4.4g per 100ml, a lower calorie count (only 50 cal per 300ml), fresh Australian lemon juice, cloves, nutmeg and the pièce de résistance of Applewood smoked water for a mild, palatable smoky finish. Delectable on its own or paired with premium dark spirits, this is a polarising Cola that divides palates into lovers and haters. Try it out here.



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